With years of practice experience in litigation and a host of other practice areas, Gregory J. Farris has created a focused practice in the area of mediation and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) services. These services include all types of ADR from the more informal, voluntary mediation practice to the more formal, binding arbitration hearings.
This work strives to provide a more expeditious means of resolving disputes and avoiding unnecessary litigation expense. Most importantly, it offers the parties the ability to have greater control over the final outcomes of their case, by understanding the particular risks of taking their dispute to a judge or jury.
We use the art of compromise to benefit parties. Armed with a concise statement of issues from the attorneys/parties, we work with the parties in understanding the weaknesses of their case or defense as to such issues and the benefits of finding a reasonable accord. We pride ourselves in listening to party positions and using such information to forge resolution strategies.
Whether the entire case is resolved, issues are narrowed or no resolution occurs, parties have the benefit of having learned about one another’s position in a more civil and cooperative manner. Often cases that do not resolve at mediation go on to eventually settle as a result of insight gained from the process.